ATTENTION: PAPA Members and PAPA Priests!
In order to take turns praying for PAPA priests, we are going to shuffle our member list and priest list every month. This way we will all get to know every PAPA priest in person through prayer by saying their names.
Remember, we pray for all Priests, but we do pray for specific priests who have asked us to pray for them. PAPA members pray by two's or three's. We follow Jesus, and he promised us, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in their midst." (Matthew 18:20). Therefore, PAPA prays together.
This month's new list has been sent to you. Check out the names of the priests you will personally pray for. You will receive their names in an email. Remember that this is the PAPA WAY to work personally!
"What makes PAPA unique?
Think globally.
Work personally.
This is our PAPA PRINCIPLE?"