A few months ago, a person that has hurt me in the past, hurt me again.
I was beyond anger because as always, this person hadn’t meant to do a bad thing. In fact, he doesn’t even think he is hurting me, and others. But he does.
I was upset, morning day, and night. I couldn’t find peace because I wanted justice, I wanted the person to acknowledge the hurt they had caused. I prayed to God for weeks to help me overcome this anger because that is no way to live.
Eventually, God showed me the evil I had caused this other person, and the chance to repent for my own sin. Still, the pain the other person had caused still hurt. So, I keep praying for God’s help to get over this feeling. And kept on praying.
One day this other person called me out of the blue just to say hi. And just like that, I felt God’s love melting all the anger. And I was able to forgive in my heart. I could not say this to him because he doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. But the anger that was eating up my peace had gone away. God had healed my heart.
I learned from this experience that I might want to do good. But without His help, I just can’t sincerely do this. I appreciate beyond words this healing. And I thank God every day for the love and the peace He’s given me since then.