Hello! The Divine Mercy Novena starts today, Good Friday!
Here is the Link to the Novena:
Here is a message from Marilda, who gives our 3pm Divine Mercy Reminders.
3:00pm is the HOUR of GREAT MERCY PRAY: Divine Mercy Chaplet For Father Michael, Our Beloved Spiritual Advisor For All Priests, All Bishops, All Cardinals, Pope Benedict XVI Emeritus, Pope Francis And the Holy Catholic Church PRAY For Protection and strength of holiness for all Marriages and Families PRAY: The Prayer for Priests Prayer for the Unborn Jesus, I trust in You🙏 On Good Friday, 1937, Jesus requested that St. Faustina make a special Novena before the Feast of Mercy, from Good Friday through the following Saturday. He Himself, dictated the intentions for each day. By means of a specific prayer she was to bring to His Heart a different group of souls each day and thus immerse them in the ocean of His mercy, begging the Father — on the strength of Jesus’ Passion— for graces for them.(Diary, -1209.) “I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain of My mercy, that they may draw therefrom strength and refreshment and whatever grace they have need of in the hardships of life, and especially at the hour of death” (Diary, 1209). we will start the Novena on Good Friday.