Today we celebrate the Feast Day of St Clement Maria Hofbauer, a Redemptorist. He helped spread the early Redemptorist congregation beyond Italy, mostly to Warsaw Poland. He is sometimes referred to as the second founder of the Redemptorists.
Father John Harrison, Redemptorist, wrote in the Redemptorist Lenten Reflections of 2023 the following story.
"'One of my favorite stories of Clement was the fact that, besides preaching missions, he had orphans to take care of. It was no easy task to keep these orphans fed. It pained Clement to see them hungry with nothing to feed them with. So, one evening, Clement is kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament in St Benno's Church, imploring the Lord. He gets up off his knees, stands up and raps on the tabernacle door. ' Lord, please wake up! I don't mind going hungry myself; but my orphans don't understand. Please feed them.' With tears in his eyes, he gingerly kneels, praying God feed his orphans. Just at that moment, the Brother Porter comes looking for Clement. He approaches the distraught Clement and whispers, "Excuse me, Father Clement. The baker's son is at the door asking if we could use the day old bread he has available.' Clement says a quick "Thank you!" to the Lord. "'
Thank you St Clement Hofbauer for teaching us how to pray and to always rely on the Lord.