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Writer's picture:  Olivia M. Bannan Olivia M. Bannan


LK 21:29-33

Jesus told his disciples a parable.

“Consider the fig tree and all the other trees.

When their buds burst open,

you see for yourselves and know that summer is now near;

in the same way, when you see these things happening,

know that the Kingdom of God is near.

Amen, I say to you, this generation will not pass away

until all these things have taken place.

Heaven and earth will pass away, 

but my words will not pass away.


Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

Modern technology can be quite frustrating when one is still learning the "how to's" of an app or how to copy and paste/share and add/ or simply just trying to keep up with the computer generation. Time reminds you exactly where you are in this world. From old habits we refuse to give up, or new habits we can't learn, or simply old memories tucked away in a photo album, showing up at odd times, of days now long past away. From seeing someone we love who no longer is with us, from our youth frozen in time reminding us that time is not really on our side any more and preparing for death is now one of the new books in my library. We place all our hopes in Him. Every day when there is an update for the computer or cell phone, I stop and think, "Do I really want a change in my life today?" If it gets me to heaven, then the answer is obvious.

Ah, the uncertainties of life can be incorrectly woven into our knowledge or lack of knowledge of the after life, God's love and our future. The reassurance that His words will not pass away helps me to further look into the photo album of my life and see what He tells us of the end of times. We are leaving Ordinary time and now the apocalyptic readings can be scary. Even with some knowledge of God, I run scared of the unknown. I look back and wonder what condition my soul would be in had Jesus not come knocking at my door several years ago.

Times when trouble showed me no solutions, to unrest in my heart when I knew I was not loving or caring all show how we need to be reminded of the end times. After Thanksgiving we start physically preparing for the first coming of the Baby Jesus, knowing that there will be a second coming. From the cries of a baby wanting to be held to the outstretched arms of Jesus on the Cross begging to hold us, we are reminded of His love, His promises of everlasting life and the wonders of His Kingdom.

PAPA is having an Advent Retreat December 6-7, 2024. Please visit our website to register. It is free , however, we rely on donations to keep us afloat in our expenses. What do you know about the Baby? Where's the Baby? Please join us.

God Bless You.



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