There are two changes that have been made in our schedule for the Lenten Retreat!
Friday night at 8:30PM, we will have Adoration and Benediction honoring the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
On Saturday morning we moved morning prayer to 8:00am so we can have morning Mass at 8:30am for first Saturday. The rest of the schedule for Saturday remains the same.
Retreat Schedule Friday April 1, 2022 1:00 PM Spiritual Direction/Confession 3:00 PM Stations of the Cross/ Divine Mercy Chaplet 5:00 PM Break 5:30 PM Crisis of the Father in the Family 6:30 PM MASS 7:30 PM Dinner
8:30 PM Adoration and Benediction
Saturday April 2, 2022 8:00 AM Morning Prayer
8:30 AM MASS 9:30 AM Light Breakfast/Coffee 10:00 AM Crisis of the Father in the Family 12:00 PM Lunch 1:00 PM Spiritual Direction/confession 2:00 PM Crisis of the Father in the Family 3:00 PM Divine Mercy/ Stations of the Cross 5:00 PM MASS 6:30 PM Dinner
Sunday April 3, 2022 1:00 PM Spiritual Direction 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:30 PM Crisis of the Father in the Family 5:00 PM MASS 6:30 PM Dinner