Traveling to Bethlehem on rough roads, crowds clammering to seek lodging, in the ninth month of her pregnancy, greatly fatigued, uncomfortably heavy with child Mary and Joseph found a cave to stay. And in this quiet place, she gave birth to the King of Kings, the Savior of the world.
With great anticipation Mary and Joseph welcomed their newborn child, King and Savior. The angels spread the Word of His birth, appearing to the shepherds with the glory of the Lord shining all around them.
And in haste they went to see the Child Jesus.
With the anticipation of gifts, meals, family gatherings, remember the Good News and join with the choir of angels, singing "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men of good will."
Lovingly wrap the baby Jesus in swaddling clothes and tenderly lay Him in your manger. He, whom all waited for so long, who yearns to be with us, is now here. Gently kiss His forehead, hold His tiny fingers, caress his cheeks. Though at times we feel He does not speak to us, He hears our every thought, every word.
Accept the gift He brings-Be like Him --
Happy in Eternal Joy
Self giving
Truthful and Trusting
Adoptive children of God
In Poverty: find happiness not in an abundance of material goods but in God
In Humility: do not expect applauses from man
In Love forgive all
In Consent: not just accept the will of God, but consent and embrace it