Archbishop Jose Gomez has invited in a letter all US Bishops to join him in reconsecrating the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title "Mary Mother of the Church."
This Marian reconsecration will take place on May 1, at 12 pm PDT, 3 pm EDT or 2 pm CDT
In this reconsecration, Archbishop Gomez will pray for the intercession of Our Blessed Mother during the pandemic.
May 1 falls on a Friday. Please mark your calendars in joining Archbishop Gomez, and all the US Bishops in this reconsecration and petition to Our Lady for protection.
The press release can be found HERE
Join the livestream by visiting the USCCB Facebook page HERE, or check your local listings to watch it on your TV via EWTN.
The worship aids can be found in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese at the USCCBs website HERE
Sancta Maria, Mater Ecclesiae, ora pro nobis!