It is good to remember our smallness and nothingness contrasted by the greatness of our God who is kind and full of mercy to the humble of heart. Even when unexpected tragedy falls upon us, as with Job, God pours out his graces to strengthen us, and the wisdom to see him bring good out of painful despairing situations. He himself showed us that by his joyful life, passion, death, and resurrection! The Easter season begins again this week; it's an annual reminder that the servant is no greater than the Master who also walked this path. We too will rise and live with Him forever!!!
"In Judah God is known,
his name is great in Israel.
His abode has been established in Salem,
his dwelling place in Zion.
There he broke the flashing arrows,
the shield, the sword, and the weapons of war. Selah
Glorious art thou, more majestic
than the everlasting mountains.
The stouthearted were stripped of their spoil;
they sank into sleep; all the men of war
were unable to use their hands.
At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob,
both rider and horse lay stunned.
But thou, terrible art thou!
Who can stand before thee
when once thy anger is roused?
From the heavens thou didst utter judgment;
the earth feared and was still,
when God arose to establish judgment
to save all the oppressed of the earth. Selah
Surely the wrath of men shall praise thee;
the residue of wrath thou wilt gird upon thee.
Make your vows to the LORD your God, and perform them; let all around him bring gifts to him who is to be feared, who cuts off the spirit of princes, who is terrible to the kings of the earth." (Psalm 76: 1-12)