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Roosevelt Morales

Today is the Memorial of Saint Athanasius of Alexandria, Egypt-Bishop and Doctor of the Church (295-373 AD).

Saint Athanasius fought against Arianism--a belief that Jesus was not divine but just a mere man, a religious leader. When this theology moved into politics, Bishop Athanasius was exiled 5 times for believing that Jesus was God.

Arianism still exists. I have not encountered anyone who denied that Jesus was a mere man and religious leader but if you claim that He is God, the Son of God, or the Savior of the human race, there are countries, governments and religions that will take your life or at minimum your freedom. It is the ancient spirit of the anti Christ--Arianism on steroids.

I have asked it before, are we strong enough in our conviction and brave enough to hold fast to the faith that Jesus is Lord, that is, He is God, consubstantial with the Father?



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