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Roosevelt Morales

It’s natural to thank God, and man, when we receive good things but, not so when receive something that hurts.

God, however, is perfect; man is imperfect. “The works of the Lord are all good,

and he will supply every need in its hour. And no one can say, "This is worse than that," for all things will prove good in their season.  So now sing praise with all your heart and voice, and bless the name of the Lord." (Sirach 39:33-35)

"And Jesus answering, said: Were not ten made clean? And where are the nine?" (Luke 17:17)

Only 1 of 10 lepers he healed thanked Him. An ungrateful heart hurts the Good God; He noticed and desires a grateful heart, even when he permits something that hurts; it's about trusting Him!



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