Alleluia 2 Tm 1:10
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Our Savior Jesus Christ has destroyed death
and brought life to light through the Gospel.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
"Our Savior Jesus Christ has destroyed death
and brought life to light through the Gospel."
In a couple of days, in January 21st, the 2022 March for Life will take place in Washington, D.C. Around the same weekend many cities around the United States, and around the world will hold similar rallies in remembrance of the landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court where abortion was depenalized in this country.
Since this decision in 1973, about 63,459,781 Babies have been killed by abortion in the United States alone.
One of PAPA's committees is called PAPA For Life. In this committee our members pray in front of abortion clinics, promote the culture of life, and educate others on this issue.
Our spiritual director, Father Michael, explains this ministry and why it is called PAPA For Life:
Why not choose PAPA PRO-LIFE? Obviously, PAPA loves life! We promote and protect all life, especially the lives of the most vulnerable pre-born babies. We chose the name PAPA FOR LIFE because we recognize that the pre-born Jesus in His mother’s womb was the Lord God Incarnate. He is our eternal life and we worship the pre-born Jesus as our Lord and God.
God, the Father, our PAPA, loves us, so He has given us His only-begotten Son, the pre-born Jesus to save us from sin. In fact, the pre-born Lord Jesus saved His cousin-brother, John the Baptist, when He as a pre-born and His Virgin Mother paid a visit to Zachariah’s family. This is to show how God, our PAPA, loves. He loves us forever and this is what we mean by “FOR LIFE.”
PAPA FOR LIFE means God, Our PAPA, loves us forever. He wants all to have abundant life, especially the most vulnerable pre-born ones. He sees in each and every one of them His Son, the pre-born Christ Jesus. Let us love and praise God, our PAPA, and fight for the life of the many little pre-born Christs and their mothers.
Fr. Michael J. Truongluan, C.Ss.R.