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Writer's pictureMaria Knox


A Gospel according to LK 19:41-44

As Jesus drew near Jerusalem,

he saw the city and wept over it, saying,

“If this day you only knew what makes for peace–

but now it is hidden from your eyes.

For the days are coming upon you

when your enemies will raise a palisade against you;

they will encircle you and hem you in on all sides.

They will smash you to the ground and your children within you,

and they will not leave one stone upon another within you

because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.”

REFLECTION: " As Jesus drew near Jerusalem, he saw the city and wept over it."

How hard it is for me to understand how Jesus Christ, our Lord, true God, weeps: For Jerusalem, For Lazarus (Jn 11:35)...

How is it that our most powerful God weeps? Does He feel sorry for all those who are literally staring at the God of the Universe and refuse to acknowledge Him?

With all the gifts and goodness that He blesses me with, many times I take Him for granted. I forget about His presence in my life. And I act the way I want to, not the way I should.

Convenience, selfishness, greed and arrogance: those might have been the sins of the Pharisees and the people in charge of 1st century Palestine. But are these also ours? Mine?

As the liturgical year comes to an end, we are being reminded of the final day, our final judgement.

Will God find us worthy of Him? Or will He weep because we did not want to love Him?

An excerpt from the Novena to Christ the King:

Christ, our Savior and our King, renew in me allegiance to Your Kingship. 
I pray for the grace to place You above the powers of this world in all things. 
I pray for the grace to obey You before any civic authority.
I pray for the grace to fervently bring about Your Kingdom in my family and community.
I pray that You will reign in my mind. 
I pray that You will reign in my heart.
I pray that You will reign in my will.
I pray that You will reign in my body.
I pray that You will reign throughout all the world.
I pray that You will reign in every area of my life.

Please pray with us so Jesus reigns in each and every one of our hearts and in the hearts of every priest in His Church. So when He comes back, He will not weep over any one of us.


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