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When George Foreman met the Holy Spirit


The evening of the October PAPA COOKING FEST, I eagerly wanted to try out my cooking skills with the Crunchy Chicken Bok Bok. Out comes the George Foreman Grill to do its magic on the tortilla.

When It came time to put the grill away in the box, I tried and tried and could not get the grill inside to fit. Finally in my last attempt of doing the same maneuver over and over, the grill lid flung open and knocked me on my nose.

Stunned from the pain and the throbbing headache, frustration won and I sat down on a kitchen stool and cried. Cried to the Holy Spirit that surely He knew how to get that grill in the box.

As soon as I finished my prayer and wiped away the tears, the solution was right there, literally, in front of my nose. And in less than a minute the job was done.

Is that what happens in life? I continue down the same path over and over hoping that on my own I will work it out.

The Holy Spirit answered my cry when I sang to Him from my heart and not my head. Let the heavy weights of our life give in to the gentle and subtle help from the Holy Spirit.

God Bless You



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